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Hi. I am a 47 year-old artist who got introduced to Freud over 25 years ago in college. It was ‘Love at First Read.’ I found it fascinating, awe-inspiring and absolutely genius. So much so that I went to London for a Master’s course in Non-Clinical Theoretical Psychoanalysis. Since that time, as I have been a working artist, my fascination has only grown.
For the last four years, I have been doing every day a self-analysis where I have learned that the real productive juice lies in the Interpretation of Dreams.
Certified Life Coach-DREAM INTERPRETER
Winston Salem, NC based
Sessions over Zoom
DREAM INTERPRETATION using Free Association to Propel Your Life
First session at no cost. Very Affordable.

Online Coaching
1 hr
More Personal Power
Greater personal, social and professional skills
Enhance your knowledge of really drives you
* Sliding scale available
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